A Criterion for Quantum Advantage
C. Karamchedu, M. Fox, and D. Gottesman, arXiv preprint (2024), submitted to QIP'25
arXiv:2411.02369 [quant-ph, comp.CC]
A Refinement of the McCreight-Meyer Union Theorem
M. Fox and C. Karamchedu, arXiv preprint (2024), submitted to CCC'24
arXiv:2406.08600 [comp.CC]
On a Weighted Series of the Hurwitz Zeta Function
M. Fox and C. Karamchedu, arXiv preprint (2023)
arXiv:2302.01865 [math.NT]
On the Ramsey Numbers of Odd-Linked Double Stars
C. Karamchedu and M. Klawe, Discrete Mathematics (2022)
arXiv:2110.07779 [math.CO]
On Ramanujan Sums of a Real Variable and a New Ramanujan Expansion for the Divisor Function
M. Fox and C. Karamchedu, Ramanujan J. (2021)
arXiv:2010.10689 [math.NT]
Erdős Number : 2
[Karamchedu -> Klawe -> Erdős]