

University of Maryland, College Park
Computer Science PhD Student

Office: IRB - 2108

I am a PhD student in the computer science department at UMD in the QuICS center. I am advised by Daniel Gottesman, and am primarily studying quantum complexity theory. Prior to joining UMD, I worked for a year at Sandia National Labs with Mohan Sarovar, studying quantum algorithms and quantum circuit synthesis. I did my undergraduate studies at Harvey Mudd College, where I studied computer science and mathematics, along with a lot of physics.

My research interests lie at somewhere in the union of computer science, pure mathematics, and quantum foundations. To my mind, quantum computing represents a lovely area of study that naturally synthezises many of these topics under a single, enchanting, umbrella. Beyond quantum computing, I also maintain broader research interests in pure mathematics and physics; you can find more detailed information on my research interests, as well as a few problems I am thinking about at the moment, here.

Furthermore, I like to maintain a list of my current reading, both specifically academic and general. I mainly just document papers or books that I have read that have stood out to me as of interest for one reason or another (sometimes I'll include a small blurb desribing a listed item's interest to me). Please feel free to check them out here!